Saturday, May 7, 2011

What me Worry, wait until the bill comes

Graduation day is around the corner for some young people in my  life. No matter that the pundits are saying the outlook is poor for jobs. These people, including "stick it to the man" daughter can and will change the world into their image. We have had our chance, our shot, our dream. Barbie and Ken sucked as roll models and so does General Betrayus. These kids don't want war and could care less about cubicles and the wet sweat of corporate bull. No there is not a street revolution, but buying power should be a big motivator for change. Who better to bring it on than the next graduating class of 2011. There is no quasi wish or plastic prayer that personifies Hallmark classic June sky's. The work ahead is for you and I to let those younger have the space to create the future of their vision. They are the one's who will be living it not you and I. What is the legacy that our generation is leaving? Tru Green grass and Chem Lawn is as close to the American ideal of "looks good on the outside" wait till they get the bill!

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